

Friday, April 20, 2012

Eslim 美丽日记(6):发热发亮之 Positivenergy

明晚就要去 Sepang参加 Energizer night race 2012马拉松了,超过10年没参加过马拉松的我,心情真是可以用“既期待,又害怕受伤害”来形容.. 哈哈哈~

由Energizer为主要赞助商的这场马拉松,口号是"Race for a brighter world, that's positivenergy"。早前有篮球小子林书豪的Linsanity,现在有 Energizer的 Positivenergy, 看来我也要为自己构想一个新名词了。:p

在这场 night race的网站上看到这段文:
“Everyone has the power to make a positive impact. At Energizer, we call this positivenergy. And together, we can make it a reality. For every successful registration in this years's night race, we will donate RM10 to Kiwanis Malaysia. So lace up, put on your Energizer headlights and get ready to light up the night with Energizer. Let's spread positivenergy."

Wow, 看了就很热血沸腾的一段文!是的,每一个人都有力量散播正能量,那怕是无中生有,而无中生有的方法是,由自身开始,爱自己,把自己照顾好,制造自身的正能量,再让它发热发亮,让自身的Positivenergy照耀更多、更多的人!

到时候,还可以边高唱郑秀文的“我在发热发亮~~” : )

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